适用平台:OS X 10.9 或更高版本,软件版本:v1.11.0.0


CudaText For Mac v1.11.0.0是一款优秀的代码编辑器,软件支持代码高亮,CudaText比较适合编辑HTML、CSS、PHP、Java等,在编辑CSS文件的时候在每个颜色代码的下面显示一根颜色预览线,无需通过查询代码就可知道是什么颜色。CudaText代码编辑器的众多功能能够大大帮助程序猿快速查找和编辑代码,有需要的朋友欢迎下载使用。


  • [plugin] HTML Ops (new, few commands to add tags: b/i/u)
  • [plugin] ExtTools (upd, added macros functions, q/u/l/t)
  • [plugin] SQLTools (new, ported from Sublime)
  • [plugin] Paste as String (new)
  • [plugin] CSS Table of Contents (new)
  • [plugin] ExtTools (upd, supports URL-tools)
  • [plugin] Snippets (upd)
  • [linter] CSS using csstree (new)
  • [lexer] Assembly Z80 SjASM (new)
  • [lexer] HJSON (new)
  • [lexer] Assembly AVR (new)
  • [lexer] Apache Hive (new)
  • [plugin] Project Manager (new context menu)
  • [plugin] JS Multiline Array (new)
  • [plugin] Python Intel (add commands: “Show doc-string”, “Show usages”)
  • [plugin] ExtTools (add macros: {Lexer} {LexerAtCaret})
  • [plugin] Textile Preview (new)
  • [lexers] (updated, based on Sublime tests) Java, Rust, Scala, Matlab, ObjC, Latex, Lisp, Clojure, Graphviz
  • [plugin] Emmet Lite (now works on all OSes, via NodeJS)
  • [plugin] Explorer Integration (new, for Windows)
  • [snippets] JS, JS-ES6, C, C#, Objective-C, Perl, Ruby, Go, Clojure, Sass, Bash (ported from Atom, by kvichans)
  • [linters] PHP, CoffeeScript, C++, XML, Lua, Modelica, YAML, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, Python, Rust


  • 普通: 9.9星币
  • 会员: 免费
  • 终身会员: 免费